Friday, March 28, 2014

Week 9

I read Stars by Destination for this weeks assignment and I find a somewhat common theme to these science fiction novels about space life and futuristic realities. One of which is political and economic governments of different planets or ships which I make a connection with the differences in the economics and politics of the world we live in now. It's almost like an anthropological advancement in the species, taking knowledge of present time and pushing the boundaries to evolve it in a way where it could happen that universe. Another thing that is very aware in these stories are good verses evil. Especially in Star Wars where Luke spends a lot of his life being good and learning the right way of things and wanting to defeat "the dark side" then come to find out he is of the dark side. In this particular example good and evil are defined by color especially in their weapons. I guess in a way they are trying to condition people to choose a side and know the consequences weather good or bad that come with that decision, which a lot of people might find helpful in their moral compassing strategies.

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